Qonita1*, Hana Azizah Salsabila1, Gitta Gantari Utomo1, Naomi Grace Deborah Napitupulu1, Aditya Baghaswara1, Fajril Akbar Ath-Thoriqo Haq1, Imaniar Ilmi Pariasa1, and Dian Islami Prasetyaningrum11

J. Sci. Agri. Technol. (2021) Vol. 2 (1): 8-14

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14456/jsat.2021.2


The immune system of the human body plays a significant role in preventing COVID-19. Gibson et al. (2012) stated that the consumption of vitamin-rich and functional foods could boost the immune system to suppress the virus, especially in this pandemic era. This pandemic also affects the agricultural sector in Indonesia, especially in food security, supply, and chain. Coping with this problem, the Indonesian government has introduced Gerakan Ketahanan Pangan (GKP) program to support the agricultural sector. The program focuses on primary and functional food, particularly soybeans (Glycine max L.). The nutrition in soybeans may become the substitute for red meat, fish, and egg that considered expensive for several people. This situation may enhance soybean farmers, specifically in Indonesia, to face the post-pandemic period anticipating the return of similar viruses or conditions. This study was a qualitative analysis using a constructivist paradigm, and the data used were secondary data from literature and narrative review. The results of this study highlighted the need for immune-boosting food, especially soybeans. Shortly, soybeans are considered a long-term commodity that helps the food security and improves the Indonesian economy during the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Keywords: immune system, food security, pandemic, soybeans, agriculture

Received: April 2, 2021. Revised May 16, 2021. Accepted: May 17, 2021.



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