Aurelia Aprilianty1*, Meilina Rizky Fadillah1, Aprodita1, Harits Ghozi Muzaki Sartono1, Lilik Eka Radiati2 and Marjuki3
J. Sci. Agri. Technol. (2022) Vol. 3 (2): 19 – 28
The objective of this case study was to implement dairy farm practices in Thailand using Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) as guideline tools. This observation was carried out at SRC Animal Health Dairy Farm in Pakchong, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, for one month, from October 20 until November 20, 2019. The implementation process was conducted by four mimic inspectors from the program of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. The GDFP tool was developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) since the year 2011. The implementation covered seven areas of the farm operation, including animal health, milking hygiene, nutrition, breeding and reproduction program, animal welfare, environment, and socio-economic management. Summary of implement activities included meeting with the farm manager and staff, observing farm activities, inspecting farm facilities, inspecting farm documents on the checklist, and interview. Data indicated that the type of cow raised at SRC Animal Heath Farm was the crossbred Friesian Holstein. The overall result of the implementation indicated that the mean technical score was 3.73 on 4 point scale. The score reflected that farm management was in a good category. In addition, some quality perspectives should be required to adopt or apply in order to gain better scores and international recognition based on the recommendation tools of FAO and IDF standards.
Keywords: dairy cattle, good dairy farming practices, milking, management
Received: March 18, 2022. Revised: August 19, 2022. Accepted: September 6, 2022.